
I Can Tell It Workshop

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What happens when you have a group of wonderful students willing to learn and become the best teachers ever? THIS is what happens. Today my 4th year Primary Teacher Training Students (Bilingual Group) designed 6 workshops focusing on 6 different fairy tales. They were prepared to welcome 2nd-year Primary children coming from the State Bilingual School Daoiz y Velarde, Alcalá de Henares (thanks to Rosa and all the teaching staff there!) The activity was part of the subject “Children’s literature in English”, and involved the use of ICT (I Can Tell It) to retell popular fairy tales. It revolved around the idea of a boring wizard who had disorganised fairy tales. Children, with the help of characters, had to retell these stories! 

As you can see in the photographs (and video) here they have worked hard to contextualise the story appropriately in each of the classrooms. They have used visuals, costumes, even music! Also, they have created effective activities dealing with all the communicative skills. As a boost to use new technologies, twitter was used to report on what we were doing and to share experiences.The ICT Department helped us to spread the word #unProyectoparaTIC

Children have enjoyed the workshops and students have applied their ideas into practice! What a great opportunity to keep on learning and to enjoy together!

Thanks for your work, my Explorers! #cuccicantellit @cucc_educacion


CLIL students ready to start “The three little pigs” workshop


First-aid session

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On 10th May we’ll hold a session to know how to give basic emergency medical treatment. The session will be conducted by Alicia Sanz, a bilingual expert who has been trained to provide assistance in case of emergency situations.

The session will last from 16 until 19 hours, and will take place at the Escuela Universitaria Cardenal Cisneros. Registration is now open for teachers and students of any educational institution. For more information please click here.